Topcem cement organises free eye check-up and cataract surgery

In its endeavors towards serving the community , since the year 2018,Topcem Cement have been  annually organising Free Eye Check – Up  and Cataract Surgery Camp for the economically disadvantaged and aged people with vision loss. The main objective of this camp is to reach out to the  people with cataract in the selected villages. …

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Topcem cement cleft surgery week launched in Guwahati

Topcem Cement and Mission Smile’s joint initiative on cleft careFour years of a dedicated partnership to achieve cleft free NortheastTopcem Cement, a leading cement brand in Northeast India, is involved in a wide variety of community development projects. These projects target marginalized groups in society and are intended to provide sustainable aid in collaboration with…

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What is Portland Cement?

In 1824, Joseph Aspidin mixed powdered limestone and clay with water and molded the mixture into slabs. These were then burned until carbon dioxide was liberated. He then ground the slabs into a fine powder. This cement when used gave a color and strength similar to the stones from the island of Portland, hence the term Portland…

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Read more about the article How to store cement in an appropriate manner?
Renovation at home dirty trowel and bucket with mortar on construction building site

How to store cement in an appropriate manner?

Proper storage of cement shall permit easy access for inspection and identification. Cement shall be stored in suitable weather-tight structures, to protect the cement from dampness. It shall not be piled more than ten bags in a stack and shall be arranged in header and stretcher fashion as far as possible. While removing the bags…

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Topcem Cement Organised SAHAYATA – Covid -19 Skilling Program in Association With Wadhwani Foundation

Guwahati, 29th August 2020 :Webinar series on fundamentals of Covid 19 prevention.An initiative dedicated to stop the spread of Covid 19 by raising awareness.The Covid 19 pandemic is one of the worst health care challenges, humankind had to endure in a long time. In the fight against Covid 19, Topcem Cement hosted the webinar series,…

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Topcem Cement launches solid dhalai cement across assam northeast India

Guwahati, 20th August,2020 :A high performance PPC cement for crack free concrete Superior strength, Tamper proof packaging , more volume, Scientifically formulatedTopcem Cement , one of the leading cement manufacturers in North East India today launched an innovative cement product Solid Dhalai Cement (SDC) for Individual House  Builders (IHB)  and infrastructure & construction sectors for North-East…

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Topcem Cement organizes free eye check-up and cataract surgery camp

Guwahati, 18 January 2020:A Cataract is one of the leading causes of defective vision in the elderly population. With aging, the lens of the human eye thickens and becomes cloudier, the long-distance visibility reduces. It is widely prevalent with both the sexes, both in rural and urban areas. Treatment of cataracts is mainly surgical. Topcem has taken…

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Topcem Cement and Brikolite AAC Block Launches & Implements Recognition of Prior Learning(RPL) Programme Under Skill India Mission for Construction Worker

Guwahati, 09th January,2020 : Associates with  Pradhan Mantri Kausal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY)and Construction Skill    Development Council to provide certified  construction courses To train more than 1000 nos. of Assistant Masons  across the North East  in 2020 Topcem Cement , a leading cement brand of North East India and Brikolite AAC Block , the introducer manufacturer of…

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