At MCL, environmental responsibilities are highly venerated. MCL strives to reduce the environmental impact of its activities by adopting sustainable practices and the latest available technology.
Specific responsibilities are allocated to industry experts specializing in the field of environmental safety. Periodic maintenance of plants and facilities is done diligently to keep pollution under check. Environmental norms prescribed by the Central and State Governments are strictly observed in the design, construction and operation of all operational facilities.
MCL stringently monitors every activity to ensure compliance with applicable safety rules, standards and regulations. Strategies are in place for the optimal usage of natural resources to reduce carbon footprint and impact on the rich biodiversity of the region. MCL utilizes the best available technology to enhance energy efficiency, conscious usage of resources and recycling of industrial waste.

Furthermore, the corporation believes that its environmental responsibilities are not limited to mere adherence to government policies. It has been working diligently to develop environmental consciousness and spread the importance of afforestation. MCL recognizes the significance of trees in the fight against global warming. Topcem initiates many plantation drives each year and plants nearly 7000 saplings of local species along the highways as well as within the precinct of its manufacturing units. It has also undertaken social action campaigns for wildlife conservation in the region. Employees, trade partners and other stakeholders are up-skilled through effective channels of communication. The imperative is to emerge as a responsible corporate citizen that inspires others to respect and safeguard the environment.
Sustainability is a fundamental part of Topcem’s philosophy. For that reason, Topcem Cement not only endeavors to be the market leader in terms of product quality but also work towards protecting the environment by being proactive in its approach.